Jess and Anjanette have unfortunately had tummy bugs and have been resting, watching disney movies, reading Enid Blyton books and drinking dioralite together , they are now feeling better thankfully.
Samuel is absolutely delighted that Olivia is here for a few days . Olivia is a friend from Carshalton Beeches where Scott used to be the youth pastor. She is volunteering in Bolivia and needed to leave Bolivia to renew her visa, the bus journey to Cusco would have been short and straight forward were in not for the fact that the Bolivian/Peru border is shut, so she wins the prize for the longest journey that anyone has ever taken to visit us, 2.5 days by bus. Today we organised her flight back to Bolivia which will be much quicker! Sam and Jess love spending time with her , she is great at playing games and reading with them and a joy to host.Jess and Sam particularly like watching one of their favourite Peruvian TV programmes with her, it is called Olivia the pig!
Scott attended the Cusco Culto de Gracias service when the Cusco evangelical churches pray for the Cusco dignitaries and the police. Scott loved being back preaching at El Puente after a few weeks off and was delighted that new folk attended this week too! Scott has also joined the Cusco tennis club and is enjoying doing some physical exercise .Tomorrow he will fly to Arequipa, firstly via Lima to see if he can track down our missing suitcase, then to collect James and Julia and take them to Arequipa. In Arequipa he will help James and Julia settle into language school and their new home ,he will also attend some meetings about Anjanette's paperwork, please keep praying, it seems we are making good progress......
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