Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First church baby

We are delighted to announce that Emy has given birth to baby Isaias Stefano, our first church baby we are all so thrilled!!

Isaias is only a few days old but has been found to have high sodium levels in his blood
He has been moved into the neonatal intensive care unit , Emy remains on the postnatal ward and is only allowed to see him briefly every 3 hours when she feeds him. His is not allowed contact with his father Samuel or his 7 year old sister Eileen.

Visiting them in hospital today reminded us of the huge differences in maternity care between the UK and Peru!

Please pray for both Emy and Isaias .

Praise God for this miracle of new life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How wonderful to be able to share the joy of a new life - we will pray for the family that they will be united and the for the hospital staff that they will have the wisdom to know how to treat him.