1 clinic
Anjanette works every Friday morning at La Fuente christian missionary presbyterian clinic that reaches out to a poor community in San Jeronimo on the edge of Cusco the nurses are Peruvian the doctors are missionaries apart from one full time doctor who leaves this month
please pray that God provides a new Peruvian christian doctor to work at Fuente
please pray for wisdom for Anjanette as she works there.
2 language
Scott continues formal classes with his teacher Lily, Anjanette hopes to soon start some conversational classes with a Peruvian friend who wants to gain experience teaching spanish to foreigners.
please pray that God will continue to help us develop our language skills , especially for Scott as he preaches in spanish
3 Jess and Sam
We praise God for the way they have settled at school and made new friends and learned spanish. The level of spanish at school is hard and they find the level of english easy, please pray that they will have energy and concentration for the extra english we need to work on at home in the afternoons.
4 Pastors meetings
Scott attends a weekly meeting for all the evangelical churches in Cusco
please pray that the churches will maintain good relationships and a strong witness as they work together in Cusco
5 The marriage course
we are currently trying to work our way through The Marriage course with another pastoral couple, friends of ours Steve and Aracelly , we both have young families, churches to pastor and a lack of babysitters making meeting together in the evenings hard , we hope eventually to run the course for pastors and their wives when we have adapted it to the culture here. Please pray that our marriage will be strong and firmly focused on God.
6 Tourist cafe
Scott is doing some consultancy work helping some other missionaries set up a cafe as an outreach to tourists in the centre of town,
please pray for wisdom for Scott in this role.
7 Place to live
we need to move house in January when our landlords return, we would like to live in a secure affordable house close to the cafe church
please pray that God provides a home for us to live.
8 The Radicales
These four Peruvian young people Jacky Josue Nidian and Meri have been working with us since the beginning of August, they leave Cusco at the end of October, please pray for God's transforming power to be evident in their lives as they return to their families and home churches.
9 Please pray that God raises up workers to help us continue the work the radicales started.
10 Please pray that we will establish a workable timetable as we decide our opening hours for the cafe church once the radicales leave .
11 Please pray for good relationships in the community and with customers that enter the cafe church and attend our activities, pray that we will be able to share with them about God's love and saving power .
12 Sunday morning informal cafe church.
On Sunday mornings we serve free breakfasts , do face painting and run an informal Sunday school. In time we hope this will evolve into a morning church service, we have some families (Jess's school friends) who regularly attend our Sunday morning cafe church.
Please pray that we will effectively share our faith with those who attend on Sunday mornings. Please pray that we will receive the help we need when the radicales leave at the end of October.
13 Sunday services
we have our formal church service in the cafe at 4 30pm. Scott preaches in spanish and Anjanette plays the keyboard. After the service we move all the tables together and all spend about 1 hr chatting and enjoying drinks and cakes, there is a wonderful family atmosphere.
Please pray for the preaching of God's word, that God will raise up more musicians, for help with running the Sunday school and hospitality after the radicales leave. That people continue to feel loved and accepted.Three people have expressed a desire to be baptised at the end of October.
14 Growth of the church plant.
The church is almost 3 months old , please pray for wisdom to know what themes to teach on, how to nurture new christians and work in a culture country language and baptist convention that is foreign to us.
15 Preschool bilingual music group.
On Tuesday mornings Anjanette runs a toddler music group in the cafe where we sing english and spanish christian and secular songs using puppets props the parachute and a story. Afterwards the parents relax and chat and have coffee whilst the children play. A few mothers attend regularly and we are all really enjoying the group. The concept of a mothers and toddlers group is new here as many send their 2 yr old children to kindergarten each day.
please pray that the messages from the songs and stories will be communicated well and that we will be able to share with these ladies on a deeper level.
16 Football
Tuesday night is football night , some men from the cafe church play on a local concrete court, numbers like most groups we run are up and down.
please pray that men will come and deepen friendships during and after the game when they relax in the cafe.
17 Ladies bible study
Wednesday night 7pm is ladies bible study in the cafe church run by a lady called Carla.
please pray that lives will be transformed as the ladies study God's word.
18 Men's bible study
Thurs 4pm is men's bible study in the cafe church run by Michael/Scott.
please pray that lives will be transformed as men study God's word together
19 Adolescent group
Thurs 5pm is our adolescentes group , we have a faithful core of young teenagers attending. This group will be run by Michael/Billy/Maxi . At present the radicales are heavily involved with this group please pray for a smooth transition as Michael Billy and Maxi take on more responsibility for leadership . There is huge potential in these young teenagers please pray that each one will experience God's transforming power in their lives.
20 Youth group
Thurs 7pm is our jovenes group run by Michael/Scott. It is comprised of university students and is a small struggling group.
Please pray for wisdom to know how to encourage the students to invite their friends and also how to become truly committed to God and the church
21 Saturday childrens' club
From 10-12 we have a childrens' weekly club (holiday club style) most weeks we have 15-20 in attendence and almost every week new children come along. Some weeks we run a bible study at the same time for some of the mums who like to stay.
please pray that as the radicales leave ,for God to raise up new leaders to help Anjanette run this group.Jess is delighted that sometimes her school friends come please pray that they will continue to attend, also that Jess and Sam will behave well during the group that their parents lead and that they too will learn bible truths and lessons . Please pray for creativity as we try and think of new interesting relevant craft ideas on a shoe string budget.
22 Kids games
In September the radicales ran a special Kids games event on the local sports court. Games with a meaning and lesson about values and faith. 80 kids came then 80 kids and 20 adults returned to the cafe for refreshments. We hope to run this as a monthly event.
Please pray for opportunites to share our faith with these local families, for good organisational skills, for safety during these events and for sufficient help. Two ladies from church Carla and Patricia will run this event with us.
23 Our families.
Scott's parents live in Scotland and visited us October 2009. Anjanette's parents and Auntie Geetha live in Loughborough and all 3 are visiting us December 2009. Scott will return to the UK briefly in March 2010 to attend and conduct his sister Jaqueline's wedding in Yorkshire.Please uphold our families in prayer, at certain times of year (Christmas Easter birthdays anniversaries weddings ) we all miss each other terribly.
24. Pray for the city of Cusco and the land of Peru