What an amazing weekend! Thanks to everyone who joined us in our day of prayer. Supporters all over the world (UK Egypt Australia USA Peru Mozambique...) prayed for 24 hrs GMT on Saturday 17th Oct, after which from 6pm-midnight Peru time we had our first church prayer meeting which was a very special time.
So here's an account of our weekend and some of the answers to prayer.
On Saturday 11am Josue one of the radicales was doing a discipleship class with 3 young lads Diego from church and 2 of his friends Alejandro and Fernando who he brought along. When the truth of the gospel was explained to them they both became Christians. Another prayer request was for more musicans in the church well Diego Alejandro and Fernando (guitar Keyboard and singing) said after the Sunday service that they would like to play their instruments in church, so this week we will have our first band practice ! Another prayer request was for more help running the cafe church and activities, one young lady Mercedes who is soon to be baptised has volunteered to help Anjanette with the childrens' activities. Another church family have pledged to help when the radicales leave in 2 weeks. One of our students from church is going to work with us in the cafe on a daily basis which is a huge answer to prayer. Two single ladies who work with another missionary organisation are also considering the possibility of working with us in the cafe church as time allows. On Sunday for our afternoon service we had a lot of visitors and the church was packed. So we are encouraged as well as exhausted! Today we are searching for a new house , our landlords return to the house we currently rent in the new year. Thankyou for your prayers this weekend was really powerful ! Please keep praying!
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