Monday, September 28, 2009

Nanny and Grandad visit Peru

Scott's parents have arrived, they are visiting us for 2 1/2 weeks there was a little space in their suitcase (but not much) for their own clothes and we are delighted to have them and all the goodies they brought with us. BMS World mission does not allow us to have family visit us in our first year as we are settling in, and now that time is up it is great to have grandparents visiting. They have been busy reading stories and being read to, playing with lego, making a book, watching Sam play football ( and apparently joining in as well as introducing the game of rugby!) as well as seeing the plaza de armas this morning. It doesn't sound like it but we really are trying to take their first few days slowly whilst they adjust to the altitude.


MogA said...

Glad to hear they arrived safely! Hope you get to have a great time together!
Lots of love from Arequipa

Angela said...

Praying that you have a lovely time with your family!