Friday, October 4, 2013

The construction begins

This week Scott arranged international money transfers,  signed the contract with the building company and moved into the new church office in preparation for the construction to begin next week. (Monday Oct 7th 2013!)

Iglesia El Puente is renting the house next to the contruction site which we are using as the church office and also to store building materials and equipment. Carla, the church secretary and Scott will be at the office in the week which will help to build relationships in the new community and being on site means that they will also be available to consult about the building.

Scott and Ruben sign the contract

El Puente church members dedicate the site

With some of the workmen doing some preparatory work. 

We are very excited and thankful to God for this land and new building project. We hope to avoid the worst of the rainy season and it is amazing to think that we will have the shell of a  2 storey building finished in the next few months.

Thankyou for your prayers and support. It is a terrific team effort; family, friends and churches have sent in donations from various different parts of the world and we are so very grateful. 

So watch this space we will post updates and photos of how the building is progressing and also important news of our wonderful  El Puente church family.

Please join us in Thanking God for the provision of El Puente's own church building, in praying for the safety of all those on site and for good relationships and understanding from the neighbours.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Wohoo! It's a very exciting time for you!