Sunday, August 23, 2009

an interesting Sunday

children listening to a story during the sermon

coffee and cake after the service

great to see church looking quite full for part of the service.

Well only one person attended our informal cafe iglesia drop in this morning, but we were delighted that he returned with his family to our afternoon service! Work here often seems to have no pattern to it one week few people come another week many. We had a great kids club yesterday with about 20 children and we held a small bible study with a few mums and older sister while the kids had their class! During the course of our afteroon service today various people wandered in and out and you can see from this photo that at one point it was really quite full! We pray that seeds are being sown and we are really encouraged that a few new families are attending regularly.


Bakkesblogg said...

It´s so nice to read!! I´m so glad to se all those peoples in the church!!

Anonymous said...

Great to see your cafe church in action as well as the "Liverpool" ticket!!!