Monday, December 12, 2011

El Puente news

Our real desire now that the church building has moved to a residential area is that folk who live in the new community will start attending our church plant. We are delighted that a new lady and her daughter who live a few houses down from the church have recently started attending, we are absolutely thrilled that Toto who has been attending our church for the last 2 months or so has come to faith and wants to be baptised soon.

We have now started a Friday evening aerobics class in the church building which is good to laugh at and with each other at the same time as doing some physical excercise, we hope that people from the community will also come and join in the fun too.
Our 0600 prayer meetings were (perhaps unsurprisingly) not well attended so we are changing them to 7-8pm every Thurs night, we will see how that goes.

so the new church timetable is as follows

Tues 9am young mums' bible study in our home
Tues 7.30pm ladies bible study at church
Weds 7.30pm mens bible study at church
Thurs 7-8 pm church prayer meeting at church
Fri 4.30 kids club, 8pm aerobics at church
Sat 6pm youth group at church
Sun 4.30pm Sunday service at church

This week we have some special events: on Friday our kids club will have a christmas party, on Saturday morning we will hold a chocolatada in Huambutio then on Sunday our church children will be taking part in a nativity service. Anjanette , the action team and our young people are also busy practicing spanish Christmas carols to be sung at church and also during hospital visits in the next few weeks. We will be preparing Christmas baskets to give out to some of our needy church members and also patients from the clinic where Anjanette works.

In the midst of this weeks seasonal activities and celebrations we have mixed emotions since Neil Amanda Daniel and Sophia have decided to move back to the UK. We are saddened by their decision to leave but excited about the way God will use them to serve and be a blessing in the UK as they have been here in Peru. So the childrens' nativity service will also be the church's Despedida (goodbye) to the Roper family. Please pray for the Roper family in this time of transition and re entry.

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