Saturday, January 10, 2009

Unexpected Visitors from Cusco

Today we had 5 surprise Peruvian visitors , 2 of whom are students who attend the bible study group we will soon be working with in Cusco. During their 3 months summer university holiday they are attending a 3 month theological course 1 hrs bus journey from Arequipa every summer (Jan-March) for the next 5 years. This is quite typical of Peru where we have noticed that people work incredibly hard sacrificing family or leisure time in order to work or study , often juggling a number of professions at once. Also quite typically of life in Peru their mobile phone and ours have both been lost/stolen so we had lost touch and therefore had no advance notice of their visit.
They decided to spend the weekend in Arequipa but what really surprised us was that they made no plans for their accomodation nor did they bring an overnight bag, well the lessons we learnt from them were to travel light and that God will provide!
We have a guest staying with us for a few days (the President of the Peruvian Baptist Convention) so Scott arranged for them to sleep at church. We threw together a makeshift meal including leftover Christmas treats maltesers and shortbread which they really enjoyed but the biggest blessing of all was seeing how excited Jess and Sam were to have Cusco guests they loved playing and chatting in spanish with them. When they left Samuel said he wanted them all to have a sleep over (which they may well do soon) and for us it is a wonderful opportunity to all spend time together before we move at the end of Feb to Cusco, this will make the next transition easier for us all too.

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